Friday, August 1, 2008


Bullying is a big problem and it happens because children are not punished and don`t know how to work in groups.
In my opinion teachers should prepare games which teach children to work with diferent kinds of people. And schools have to give serious ponishments to studants that bully.
Parents have to pay attention to their kids, but sometimes they don`t know what is happens with them. So schools are responsable for this behaviour and have to talk with the parents quickly to resolve this situation.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Looking for Pyjamas

Three years ago, my friends and i went to a city called Sorocaba in Sao Paulo, to stay there only Saturday night and Sunday. We planned to go to a party, so I didn't bring a lot of things.

We arived there on Saturday at 10 pm. We had dinner and talked about some things. When I was going to sleep , I looked for my pyjamas, but I couldn't find. I didn't have anycloth to go to sleep, because I had broght only jeans and a dress to go to the party on Sunday, so my frind lent me a T-Shirt and shorts. It was so big, but i didn't have any choice. I slept with that clothes and on Sunday I went to the Party that was so funny!

I have to be careful when I pack my bag, because I aways forget things. Maybe the next trip I wont have a friend to lend me pyjamas.

Friday, July 18, 2008


It is a good movie, because combines comedy with horror to create a enjoyable story and is about angels and demons. I often enjoy movies that mix categories.
Constantine has been to hell and back. He was born with ability that he didn't want. I was to clear angels and demons that was into the human. He used to drink and smoke a lot, but he descovered he weas si sick. I was okai fom him but he has a problem. It is nacessary to de a saint to go to heaven. But he wasn't a saint. So he started to do only good things for his halth and for other people.
I stars Keanu Reevers as John Constantine and the and is shocky and ingredible
It is made with good actors and nice spacial efects. I is perfect to watch on sundays afternoon when there is nothing good on TV.