Friday, July 18, 2008


It is a good movie, because combines comedy with horror to create a enjoyable story and is about angels and demons. I often enjoy movies that mix categories.
Constantine has been to hell and back. He was born with ability that he didn't want. I was to clear angels and demons that was into the human. He used to drink and smoke a lot, but he descovered he weas si sick. I was okai fom him but he has a problem. It is nacessary to de a saint to go to heaven. But he wasn't a saint. So he started to do only good things for his halth and for other people.
I stars Keanu Reevers as John Constantine and the and is shocky and ingredible
It is made with good actors and nice spacial efects. I is perfect to watch on sundays afternoon when there is nothing good on TV.

1 comment:

Naomi said...

Hi Marisa. Good review, but I'm not sure what you mean by this sentence: 'I was to clear angels and demons that was into the human.' What's his ability, exactly?